Log Business

Logs are collected from all over the world.
Forests are not only produce timbers but prevent disasters, cultivate sources of water, and clean the air, as well.
To keep forests means to keep the land, and to keep the living environment, eventually, it will lead to protecting people. It could be said that it is an extremely important mission. Our company has been engaging in log business enterprisingly, where such forests are its field, since the time of the establishment of the company. We contribute to providing a stable supply of timbers by cutting logs while building forests and preserving them. We play an important role, which we deliver enrichment that the wood has to people in their daily lives, while we preserve the resources of forests.

The lumber yard before an auction sale.
Before a regular auction sale, logs are sent from all over the world to the timber yard at Kakamigahara Office of Sannosuke Kobayashi Co.,Ltd. Customers from across the country can look-see and buy them at an auction sale. If you need further information of auction sales, please access the linked site.